
Okinawa Kenpo - Bruce Heilman
Okinawa Kenpo Kobudo - Bruce Heilman

For more information Click on:

To Contact Mr. Heilman, E-mail him at



Assistant Okinawa Kenpo - Ann-Marie Heilman

Assistant Okinawa Kenpo Kobudo - Ann-Marie Heilman

To Contact Mrs. Heilman, E-mail her at


Okinawa Goju-Ryu - John S. (Stan) O'Hara
He will be sorely missed.

1934 - 2015


Kojosho Kempo - Fredric R. Absher


Chanbara - Tim VanDenover

For more information Click on:

To Contact Mr. VanDenover, E-mail him at


Take Down Sparring (TDS) - Eli Guzman

 To Contact Mr. Guzman, E-mail him at

Shorei Goju - Tom Pisut
He will be sorely missed.
1939 - 2016
Video of Tom Pisut on The Mike Douglas Show in 1971!


Shorei Goju - Dr. Richard Fields

 To Contact Dr. Fields, E-mail him at:

 Shuri-Ryu -Robert Bowles

 For more information Click on:

To Contact Mr. Bowles, E-mail him at:


Goju-Ryu - Dr. Gustavo Albear, PhD

Gojo Ryu Curriculum in PDF



Seidokan Motobu-Ryu -Jody Paul
He Will Be Sorely Missed



Koshiki - Michel Laurin

To contact Mr. Laurin, E-mail him at

Assistant Koshiki - Shannon Laurin



 Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu - Robert Yarnall



Assistant Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu - Mike George

 To contact Mr. George, E-mail him at


Shorin-Kan Shorin Ryu (Kobayashi) - Eddie B. Bethea, Jr.

 To contact Mr. Bethea, E-mail him at



Shito Ryu Genbu Kai International - Fumio Demura
He will be sorely missed.

Shito Ryu Genbu Kai International - Thanh Nguyen

 For more information Click on:



Isshinryu - Nick Adler

Assistant Isshinryu - Marilyn Fierro


Shotokan - David Blair


Shorinjiryu - Michel Laurin


Shaolin/Mei Hua Chuan - John Tsai
He will be sorely missed.


Shaolin/Mei Hua Chuan - Steve St. Pierre


Northern Praying Mantis - James Cook

Wu-Hsing (Tai Chi) Kung Fu - Woodrow Fairbanks


Kanchos - Head of Martial Arts Family

Terry Maccarone - Ansei Ueshiro Tan Mei

He will be sorely missed

 More information


International Representatives


Maria Evans - Chairman of International Affairs


Jose Guiral - Spain


Hescar Aguilar - Sonora, Mexico


Other Representatives

President Hawkes International Society
Ron White

Rules Technical Advisor
Lee Kittell

Chief Referee
Ron White

Chief Referee
Steve St. Pierre

Chief Referee
Maria Evans

Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board
Dr. Richard Fields


Medical Advisory Board
Ralph Glasmann


Medical Advisory Board
Dr. Kathy Ulrich


Sue Hawkes
To Contact Ms. Hawkes, E-mail her at



Tournament & Points Coordinator
Cassandra Shults
To contact Ms. Shults, E-mail her at


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